Lessons from the Tourism Industry

I love the tourism industry. In Iowa and around the world, the heart of tourism is welcoming people into an experience. Each person’s experience is customizable to their interests and creates a memory – an association with a place. Travel opens up the opportunity for education about a city’s history or culture, a showcase of its food and natural beauty, and a glimpse into the life and ways of local people. I love it.

I believe the business community can look to tourism as an example in several aspects. Here are a few takeaways.

Tell Your Story

Tourism professionals tell the story of their community – and they tell it often. There is a reason destinations are known for particular things – Kentucky for bourbon, Colorado for outdoor recreation, the south for comfort food. These things have been part of the locals’ day-to-day lives for generations. And people are proud of the place they call home. Similarly, businesses ought to share their stories freely – whether those of origin (how you got here), failure (what you learned), or success (what you overcame).

Equip Your Ambassadors

Many cities offer an ambassador program, made up of local experts who serve as guides for visitors to the area. These folks are knowledgeable and passionate cheerleaders for their community. Your staff are your internal ambassadors, so it is vital to create a culture of people who believe in what you offer to customers. Customers, in turn, are your external ambassadors – those who speak on your behalf and influence future business. Investing in your team members will pay dividends for you so they can better serve your customers, thus increasing the number of cheerleaders for your product or service.

Embrace Your Quirks

Sac City, Iowa boasts the world’s largest popcorn ball – this quirky fact brings in scores of people. It’s a sight that you wouldn’t see anywhere else. Is there a quality about your business or someone within it that you can highlight? We’re all trying to stand out. If this uniqueness falls in line with your core values, by all means, find a creative way to incorporate it in your marketing.

Serve as the Guide

Those in tourism point people in the direction of the places they would enjoy, presenting itinerary or activity options. The focus is not on them – it is on the visitor. As a professional, your customers are the focal point – you are simply the guide to assist them in achieving a goal they have set for themselves or solving a problem, however big or small.

How We Can Help

CK Collateral would be honored to help your business write and design purposeful and appealing content that embody these qualities. What qualities are important for your brand? We’d love to assist in showcasing them.